VR revolution in real estate

VR revolution in real estate | Russian and US rich meet in Turkish projects
CEESS Real Estate, which has managed to reach customers from many countries, especially the USA, Russia, UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, with technology, offers million-dollar projects to world markets with its VR application.
360 Virtual Tour application through the number of foreigners investing in housing projects in Turkey is increasing day by day. CEESS Real Estate Chairman Semih Sarıalioğlu, who pointed out that the sale of housing to foreigners has increased continuously in the last 6 years, stated that the number of houses sold to foreigners in Turkey in the last 9 years has approached 300 thousand, and said that access to the top segment projects of the sector is faster with new technologies. Sarıalioğlu stated that foreign investors are more interested in luxury housing projects and gave the following information:  “In 2016, 18 thousand 189 houses were bought by foreigners in Turkey, while this number was realized as 22 thousand 234 in 2017. Housing sales to foreigners in Turkey started to increase exponentially since 2018. Apart from domestic investors, foreigners bought 39 thousand 663 houses in 2018 and 45 thousand 483 in 2019. During the coronavirus pandemic, the increase in sales continued, although below expectations. The number of sales to foreign investors, which decreased to 40 thousand 812 in 2020, was realized as 58 thousand 576 in 2021.

Hosting the world's best projects in the real estate sector, Turkey is strengthening its position in the global market with new marketing strategies.
Sarıalioğlu stated that they aim to open new offices in countries such as Azerbaijan, Russia and the UAE and said, “Foreigners who invest in real estate projects in Turkey reach a profitability of 40 to ` 40%. You cannot catch this profitability in any EU country.”

Pointing out that Turkey is the most active and profitable country in the world real estate market, Sarıalioğlu gave the following information:

 “I go to Europe and the U.S. When we look at the rental yields and multipliers there, a foreign person who invests in Turkey both gains the right to citizenship and makes a profit from real estate at a rate of `. There is no chance to do this in any country in Europe and there is no chance to earn. Such profitable countries are becoming more and more popular every day. One of them is Turkey, especially Istanbul, which I can say takes sixty percent of the market by itself. In other words, the rest of the proportioning is distributed in eighty-one provinces, but sixty percent is taken by Istanbul.”

 Stating that they have been involved in important projects in the sector for 25 years, Semih Sarıalioğlu said, “We produce solutions for investors. Even the projects that are said ‘this real estate will never be sold’, we deliver them to the buyer. Because we have trainings and educators on this subject. We have math, we have strategy. When we follow developments in this direction, the satisfaction of our customers increases. In addition to this, we have started structuring in order to make our presence in the world market fully clear. We started to give dealerships. Gulf countries, America... We are currently analyzing Azerbaijan and Russia. We will also open offices there. Because we will ensure that our investors who can contribute directly to the market from there come to us through our offices. We constantly renew ourselves and the technologies we use. With the slogan “We bring the world to your feet”, we bring real estate to the feet of business people through virtual reality technology and enable business people to use their valuable time more effectively. Our software developers prepared it. We cannot just make people smell it. We can market the real estate in Istanbul to a business person in Trabzon very easily. We also prevent loss of time. We reach practical solutions. Therefore, our customers who prefer us can get their title deeds without experiencing any setbacks in title deed transactions. It provides instant hot sales opportunity to its customers. Our customers who prefer us have always won until today. It will continue to win.” As we always say, if you buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone is buying, you will be the winner...

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