New Era in the Real Estate Sector: Electronic Listing Verification System (EIDS) Starts!

New Era in the Real Estate Sector: Electronic Listing Verification System (EIDS) Starts!

A revolutionary step is being taken in the real estate sector! As of January 1, 2025, a new process begins for those who want to advertise real estate for rent or sale. In this process, the Electronic Listing Verification System (EİDS) will be activated and businesses that do not fulfill certain conditions will not be able to advertise.

Starting September 15, January 1 Deadline

EİDS will be commissioned on September 15, 2024. However, as of this date, advertisements that have not been verified through the system can also be published. As of January 1, 2025, verification will become mandatory. As of this date, the advertisements of businesses without an authorization certificate will not be approved and published through the system.

Multiple Authorizations for the Same Immovable

During the authorization process, more than one business may be authorized for the same real estate. In this case, price information and shortcuts of other advertisements for the same real estate can also be displayed on the advertisement platforms.

Revocation of Authorization and Announcements

Real estate owners will be able to cancel their authorizations via e-Government. However, the advertisement will not be automatically removed from publication in case of revocation of authorization. When the publication date of the advertisement comes, the advertisement will not be renewed if the authorization period has expired.

Mandatory Application!

Authorization verification will be mandatory for all real estate advertisements, both for sale and for rent. However, daily rental properties and properties without title deeds will not be included in this application.


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