What is a Joint Title Deed? Important Information For Real Estate Owners

What is a Joint Title Deed? Important Information For Real Estate Owners Real estate investments are seen as a safe and profitable investment tool for many people today. However, the ownership structure of a real estate is of critical importance for investors and buyers. In this context, one of the most frequently encountered types of title deeds is joint title deed. So, what is a joint title deed and in which cases is it preferred? What is a Joint Title Deed? Joint title deed refers to the ownership of a real estate by more than one person with certain share ratios. The partnership rates specified in the title deed are determined for each owner, and shareholders own the whole of this real estate as a partner, not a specific part. In this type of land registry ownership, the shares of the shareholders are included in the land registry deed in the form of certain percentages. For example, if a land plot has three partners and each of them has an equal share, they are indicated as shareholders in the ratio of 1/3 in the land registry. Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Title Deed Advantages: It is suitable for joint investment by family members or investor groups. It makes large investments more accessible thanks to cost sharing. Title deed transfer and sale transactions may be carried out with the consent of the shareholders. Disadvantages: The rights of shareholders over the immovable property are interconnected; the agreement of all shareholders is required. There may be disputes about the use of the property. The sale process may be complicated due to the pre-purchase right (right of purchase) in share sales. Sales and Transfer Transactions in Joint Title Deed Shareholders holding a joint title deed may sell their own shares to other shareholders or to third parties. However, according to the Turkish Civil Code, other shareholders have the right of pre-purchase (right of purchase). This right gives priority purchase right to other shareholders in case any shareholder wants to sell his/her share to another one. If there is a dispute between the shareholders, a lawsuit for liquidation (Decertification of the partnership) may be filed and the sale of the property may be ensured. In this case, the court Decrees the sale of the immovable property and distributes the proceeds among the shareholders.

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