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I evaluated the real estate sector and shared golden recommendations for real estate investments with the viewers as a guest on the Talk Talking Program, which was broadcast on May 28th on Kanal D and presented by Özlem Yıldız and Dr. Biran Ekici.

I share the text of my speech with you:

A real estate consultant is an expert who should be with people at every age and in every field, from large investor holdings to small investors. The real estate company is sometimes the company, the person who notifies them of the appraisal report of the value of the real estate in the safe of the real estate in the hands of large high-level holdings. Sometimes it is the company, the person who directs the savings accumulated by 40 - 45 years of labor to the right place and enables it to make a profit from it. There are also very important people we love in this profession. There are people we have partnered with in our 24 years of life in the sector. They can get support from them, from us.

Unfortunately, we see in the meetings we hold with our colleagues that there are victimizations in real estate investments. Issues are put on the table. We see that sometimes he made a mistake and invested in the wrong place. Sometimes he made a mistake and the real estate he bought was condemned after 1 week and his license was canceled. Sometimes he was deceived by buying the land he saw as the right land in an unzoned area and was deceived that zoning would be introduced here. We listen and hear these issues a lot at the tables. But really, accumulation is not easy. Both you, Ms. Özlem and I are trying to make a savings by putting these savings aside as long as we are running in such a struggle. We want to make a profit in return for this investment, in a peaceful environment. But when an investor chooses a real estate expert, he reduces the error rate. Because we have meetings with some institutions and organizations. What will happen in the move and investment we will make in that region. Will there be expropriation, are there any mistakes, are there any executions, are there any mortgages, we can look at all the details of these. But the person who will make a real estate investment may not always see this. We analyze these issues very well, I am talking about my professional colleagues. He can choose us or he can choose them. The important thing is to trust a person and to see if that expert is constantly improving himself/herself. They should see how well they know their portfolio and the market. Real estate is a value. When he tries to sell it, the investor will immediately want to sell it at its value. The investor should look at how long it takes to turn real estate into cash with that expert. Technologically, he should look at whether he integrates artificial intelligence into his business. And now we are in the virtual world. Let him do a research by typing his name and surname on the internet. We have professional committees, we have chambers, we have presidencies, let him research from there. Look at their certificates. Because in my 24 years of professional life, I have seen people who have made huge mistakes, so they should go with the right person.

An investor of 100.000 TL is the crown of our head and an investor of 100.000.000 TL is the crown of our head. They both want to win, but the numbers change. Therefore, there are regions we will recommend to our 100,000 TL investor. There is the rate that he will earn within the possibility of his own income. Of course, this is all across Turkey. We had an investor make an investment of 100,000 TL by the sea. These opportunities can happen. We are very happy to offer these opportunities to our investors.

When our investors come to us, we first analyze what kind of investor they are. Is he thinking of a long-term or short-term investment. Does he want to earn rental income. Or is he an investor who wants to make a profit and sell at the end of a certain period of time. We analyze these and offer investment opportunities accordingly.

For example, there is a new tiny house trend recently. They mislead people about this. You can take 500 m2 of land and build a zoning here. They say you can bring a caravan here, you can build a one-story house. They should definitely be careful. If you go to a construction contrary to the zoning laws of the Republic of Turkey, you will be fined and this will be recorded on your record. Therefore, if you are going to build a small building in an area, you should definitely get an opinion from the municipalities regarding the zoning status. They should get support from real estate experts. Maybe not at that time, but soon the area will be zoned and the investor will make a profit. But in that interim period, you may even be penalized by unknowingly building a building on that land in violation of the zoning law. Our investors need to be very careful, they need to be analyzed in detail. Real estate investment is a field that requires expertise. Our investors should trust us.

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