What happens if the landlord sells the house?

Important Information for Tenants and Landlords from CEESS Global: What Happens If the Landlord Sells the House?

You have rented out your house, but the landlord wants to sell it without removing the tenant. What are the rights of the tenant in this case? Is it mandatory for the tenant to vacate the house? What is the process between the new landlord and the tenant? We have compiled all legal processes and rights for tenants and landlords.

Can the Landlord Sell the House with a Tenant?

According to the Turkish Code of Obligations, it is possible for the landlord to sell the house while the tenant is at home. However, in this case, the tenant's right to live in the house during the contract period continues. While the tenant's rights are protected, the new landlord is obliged to abide by the old lease agreement. In other words, the person who buys the house takes over and continues to apply the conditions in the lease agreement.

Tenant Rights: How Does the Process Work with the New Landlord?

When the new landlord buys the house by accepting that there is a tenant in the house, the rights of the tenant are secured by the Turkish Code of Obligations. The tenant can continue to use the house for the duration of the lease agreement. However, if the new landlord wants to evict the tenant within a certain period, he/she has to follow the legal procedures. In this process

Written notice must be given to the tenant.
A legal deadline must be given.
If the tenant does not vacate the house, the eviction process can be initiated through the court.
Deposit Right and Return

If the landlord sells the property, the tenant's right to the deposit is retained. The deposit has to be transferred to the new landlord and must be returned in accordance with the terms set out in the rental agreement. This ensures a fair process between both the tenant and the new landlord.

Notification Processes between Landlord and Tenant

The new landlord must give written notice to the tenant. The content of this notice includes the fact that the house has been sold and how long the tenant has to vacate. If the tenant fails to vacate after the deadline, legal proceedings can be initiated.

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