Housing Sales Figures to Foreigners Announced! Trabzon Failed to Make the List

Housing Sales Figures to Foreigners Announced! Trabzon Failed to Make the List

Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) announced July house sales figures. In Turkey, 127 thousand 88 houses were sold in July and this figure increased by 16.0% compared to the same month of the previous year.

The provinces with the highest number of house sales in July were Istanbul with 19 thousand 47, Ankara with 11 thousand 364 and Antalya with 6 thousand 659. The least number of house sales were recorded in Ardahan (61), Hakkari (64) and Bayburt (77). Trabzon was in the middle with 4,574 house sales.

House Sales to Foreigners Declined

In July, house sales to foreigners decreased by 16.1% compared to the same month of the previous year and realized as 2 thousand 350. These sales accounted for 1.8% of total house sales. The provinces with the highest number of house sales to foreigners were Antalya with 878, Istanbul with 752 and Mersin with 218.

Trabzon, on the other hand, could not be among the top 10 provinces in house sales to foreigners in 2024. Trabzon, which is especially popular among foreign investors, was left behind in the list this year.

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