New Era in Real Estate and Automobile Sales!

New Era in Real Estate and Automobile Sales!

Trade Minister Ömer Bolat announced that new regulations are on the way in the real estate and automotive sectors. Minister Bolat said, "In real estate, the verified advertisement period will be started on advertisement sites. Thus, none of the advertisements you see on the advertisement sites will be fraudulent or aimed at deceiving the consumer. We will introduce the same system in automotive," he said. He also stated that decisions will be announced soon for those who bring cheap products from China.

New Era in Real Estate: Verified Ads

In a meeting with journalists in Kayseri, Trade Minister Ömer Bolat explained the new regulation in the real estate sector that will start on September 15. Bolat said, "The person who will sell a house will select the real estate on e-government and authorize the real estate agent. Authorized real estate agents will mediate these sales," Bolat said. He emphasized that with this system, unverified and deceptive advertisements on advertisement sites will be prevented. A similar system will be put into practice for the automotive sector in a short time.
Combating Manipulation in Real Estate and Automotive

Deputy Minister Mahmut Gürcan explained the details of the new regulation in the real estate sector and said, "Citizens will authorize the real estate agent by entering the code of the authorized advertisement seller, the real estate agent from the window that will open there by selecting the real estate belonging to them through e-government." He stated that with this system, manipulations in the real estate market will be prevented and will lead to a decrease in rents.

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