The Verified Listing Period in Real Estate is Starting! Important Information from CEESS Global

The Verified Listing Period in Real Estate is Starting! Important Information from CEESS Global

Short Description:
A new era begins in the real estate sector with the "Verified Listing" regulation to be put into effect by the Ministry of Trade on September 15, 2024. As CEESS Global, we inform you about this important change.

The Ministry of Trade is implementing the "Verified Advertisement" regulation in order to prevent consumer victimization in the real estate sector and to prevent price manipulations caused by fake advertisements. As of September 15, a big change will take place in the real estate sector with this application.

What will change?

Authorization Certificate Requirement: According to the new regulation, real estate businesses without an authorization certificate will no longer be able to enter advertisements. Real estate businesses will be able to publish their advertisements by verifying their authorization in the Electronic Advertisement Verification System (EİDS). Real estate agents operating without an authorization certificate must obtain this document to avoid administrative sanctions.
Authorization Period and Procedures: Through E-Government, real estate owners will authorize their real estate to real estate agents. This authorization will be valid for at least 3 months. When the authorization period expires, the real estate owner can extend the authorization period via e-Government. If the authorization is canceled, the advertisement will not be removed from the publication, but in case of renewal, the authorization inquiry will be made again.
Multiple Advertisements for the Same Real Estate: More than one real estate business can be authorized for the same real estate. With the platform

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