A sharp decline in housing sales in Trabzon!

A sharp decline in housing sales in Trabzon!

Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) published the statistics of housing sales in 2024.
Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) shared the statistics of housing sales in 2024.

According to the housing sales statistics of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) for the year 2024, there was a significant decrease in housing sales in the Eastern Black Sea Region.

Trabzon was the province with the biggest decline in the Eastern Black Sea Region. While a total of 3 thousand 31 houses were sold in Trabzon in the first four months of 2023, this number decreased to 2 thousand 429 in the same period of 2024.

Thus, there was a decrease of .9 in house sales in Trabzon.

On the other hand, a similar trend was observed throughout the Eastern Black Sea Region.

House sales, which were 6 thousand 966 in the first four months of 2023, fell to 5 thousand 857 in the same period of 2024. Other provinces in the region also experienced declines in house sales, but Trabzon was the province with the biggest decline.


In Rize, house sales, which were 938 in the first four months of 2023, were realized as 932 in the same period of 2024.

In Giresun, house sales, which were 2 thousand 58 in the first four months of 2023, decreased to 1 thousand 659 in the same period of 2024.

In Gümüşhane, house sales, which were 330 in the first four months of 2023, remained almost the same as 329 in the first four months of 2024.

In Artvin, house sales decreased from 609 in the first four months of 2023 to 508 in the same period of 2024.


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