What should be considered when renting a furnished house?

What should be considered when renting a furnished house?

Renting a furnished house is a very advantageous option for those who frequently change their homes in order to avoid having to constantly move and place their belongings. However, there are some important points to be considered before renting a furnished house. As CEESS Global, in this guide, we share tips that may be useful for those who are considering renting a furnished house.

What is included in a furnished house?
The first thing to consider when renting a furnished house is the condition and completeness of the items in the house. Generally, white goods such as refrigerators and washing machines are standard, but small details such as kitchen utensils may be missing. It is important to take a full list of the items in the house and check whether there are any missing or damaged items. As CEESS Global, we offer professional support to find the most suitable house for you.

Details of Furnished House Rental Contract
The lease agreement is one of the most important stages of the rental process. Lease agreements in furnished houses usually consist of three sections: information about the tenant and the landlord, the rental price and the rate of increase, the condition of the furniture and special conditions regarding the rental process. Paying attention to the details of fixtures and fittings, especially in the second section, ensures that the deposit is recovered without any problems at the end of the lease period

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Deposit and Insurance Conditions
When renting a furnished house, deposit and insurance conditions should also be taken into consideration. While the deposit ensures the protection of the belongings in the house, insurance policies minimise financial losses in cases such as fire, theft or natural disasters. As CEESS Global, we offer a safe process for both tenants and landlords during the rental process.

Location and Transport Facilities
For those who have to change their homes frequently due to their profession, the location of the house and transport facilities are of great importance. Finding a house close to the workplace or in a location that provides easy access to public transport points will save you both time and energy. In addition, choosing a house close to social facilities such as markets and pharmacies can improve your quality of life.

Extra Costs and Dues
Those who rent a furnished house should take into account subscriptions such as electricity, water, natural gas, as well as apartment or site dues. Clearly stating these costs in the rental agreement prevents surprise costs. CEESS Global offers the most suitable solutions for you by considering every detail in the lease agreements.

General Cleaning and Maintenance of the House
Before renting a furnished house, it is necessary to be careful about the general cleaning and maintenance of the house. Pay attention to the maintenance of systems such as natural gas, plumbing, air conditioning, heating. Also, check the condition of the furniture and electronic devices in the house and request the replacement of damaged or broken items.

Suitability to Your Needs
It is also an important detail that the items in the house are suitable for the needs of the tenant. If you work from home, you should pay attention to features such as a bright study room and internet connection. As CEESS Global, we take your personal needs into consideration to find the most suitable house for you.

Who pays the expenses in a furnished house?
The costs incurred after renting a furnished house are usually paid by the tenant, but these costs can be claimed by the landlord if it is proven that the landlord has caused material damage to the tenant. Clearly stating all the details before the rental process ensures a fair process for both the tenant and the landlord.

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